An energy rate is assigned to usage buckets (tiers). As usage is received it is rated in a corresponding tier to determine the charges on your bill. The example displays how tiered rating functions. For product specific details please see your EFL.

Texas Customers
Yes, Ambit Energy offers you the opportunity to earn a discount through our E-Plan, which requires continued enrollment in paperless billing and automatic payment on most 12- and 24-month term plans. You can enroll in E-Plan any time using MyAmbit Account or by contacting Customer Care at (877) 282-6248.
Qualifying plans are:
· Lone Star Plus 12
· Texas Plus 12
· Lone Star Basics 12
· Texas Basics 12
· Lone Star Classic 24
· Texas Classic 24
· Ambit Green Texas 12
Texas Customers
Reconnect orders placed with your utility are processed promptly after payment is received. Unfortunately, we cannot provide the exact time service will be restored as this is based on the workload of the utility.
Non-Texas Customers
Customers outside of Texas will not be disconnected through Ambit Energy, but through your local provider. For questions regarding your service reconnection, please contact your local utility.
If you are moving within the same service area, just give us a call and update your address. Ambit's contact information is available on our Contact Us page. If you are moving out of the area, call Customer Care or check to see if we provide energy to your new address.